Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Winter Bird Feeding & A Lifer !

So a couple Weeks ago i started putting up bird feeders in hopes of attracting birds so i still have action even though i cant get out birding.Yesterday was my all time high of 6 juncos which is low by any means, but for me its a start !
I notice that the birds are not as active on days when its sunny and not windy but they go crazy when its stormy out.I'm assuming they try to fatten up in harsh weather just in case they loose their food supply.
I'm hoping now when the snow comes and birds are more reliant on bird feeders and other things that i will have more action.

So far I'm pleased with the few juncos I'm getting :)


Sunday i headed down to the little pond next to the heath science and along with some American black ducks,mallards, and some wigeon was a little female buffel head !
This small skittish diving duck was a first for me and i was surprised at how small it is. Its like a diving teal !

It didn't offer the best looks and tyred to keeps its distance but i was still pleased that i got to add this bird to my life list !

Here's a photo i got of a black duck at the pond that i thought was unique and from a different angle !

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