Sunday, 1 January 2012

Birding 2011 Wrap Up

Another year is here and gone, it has been a pretty good year for me as far as seeing birds goes but there were a lot of birds that i wish i had seen that i never, like the avocet,king bird,fork tailed flycatcher and  Rufus humming bird just to name a few.
Over the year of 2011 i seen 127 species of birds which is not bad , but i was hoping to get 150. I guess there is always this year !

One family of birds was my favourite to photograph and watch this year, and that family was none other then the shore birds ! They were always active and busy feeding and most times were quite comfortable around humans.They gave me some of my best shots this year !

One problem that i had this year was being able to get out to see birds.
I guess where I'm new to the birding community people don't feel as though they know me enough to take me with them or they just have a routine of going with there birding Buddy's.

Some things that i hope to do this year is focus more on the spring warblers, i have already stared  to plan a trip to the codroy Vally this spring to photograph some of these bright little birds !
I only seen 4 species of warbler this year which is a pretty low number considering how many i could of seen.Next spring i plan on picking up about 8-9 species of warbler.

One thing i liked about warblers was that they are very interested in the pishing sound and also how they sing.There courtship calls are very unique and interesting

There were a few birding moments in 2011 that i will never forget and may never see again in my life.
The sheerwater spectacular that happened in outter cove .
It was something that birders across north America can only dream of. Thousands of sheerwaters literally only feet from you in a feeding frenzy with many of then over shooting there landing and even landing on the beach next to you !

It was truly amazing to see these sea birds so close to land and even on land !! They were very playful and very hungry, they would skip across the top of the water before landing which looked pretty odd ?

Happy New-Year ! Be Safe

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